
Showing posts from November, 2020

Indiana Worker's Compensation: A summary of work comp benefits available to an injured worker

  When an employee sustains an injury on the job, there are certain benefits that the injured worker would be entitled to under the Indiana Worker's Compensation Act. This article addresses the four different types of benefits available to an injured worker in Indiana. First, medical treatment will be provided to the injured worker at no cost to the injured worker. This means all medical expenses are paid by the employer and/or its worker's compensation insurance company.  A few points about this benefit: The injured worker is usually provided a prescription card so they can get any prescriptions from a pharmacy of their choosing.  It should be noted that the employer/worker's compensation insurance company has the right to direct the injured worker's medical treatment so this means the injured worker does not get to pick the doctors. Typically, employers/worker's compensation insurance companies have preferred doctors they like to use.  The employer/worker's co...