An Indiana Employment Attorney's Take on the Nationwide Ban on Non-Compete Agreements

As a Fort Wayne, Indiana Employment Law Attorney , I often get contacted by employees or perspective employees seeking legal guidance with respect to a non-compete agreement they signed or one that they are being told to sign. Generally speaking, Indiana courts disfavor non-compete agreements, however, the courts will uphold them if they drafted properly and aren't too overbroad. The employment law landscape is potentially changing with the United States Federal Trade Commissions' announcement of its Final Non-Compete Clause Rule in April 2024, which bans post-employment non-compete clauses between employers and employees. The ban is expected to become final in approximately August 2024. Needless to say, my phone has been blowing up with calls from employment law clients in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area asking me questions about the FTC's ban and what impact it has on their non-compete agreements. I'll attempt to try to address some of the frequently asked ...